
World Egg Day 2021

Let’s celebrate the egg and all its benefits! Today is the 25th World Egg Day. Celebrated for the first time in Vienna in 1996, since then this celebration has become an annual appointment to honor the egg in all its shapes and appreciate this precious source of nutrients which brings together the entire world from ancient times. The egg is one of the oldest foods on the planet and has been a source of sustainment for the population of the entire world for centuries. Did you know that the first sign of domesticated layer hens date back to 7500 b.c.?
Eggs have many proprieties and benefits. They’re an endless source of nutrients and a precious ally for our health. Eggs contain 13 nutrients like phosphorus, mineral salts and vitamins such as vitamin A and E which have antioxidant properties, vitamin B1 which helps our cognitive development and vitamin D that is indispensable for bones’ strengthening.
Eggs are a great source for the worldwide economy as well. It’s a nutrient with an excellent cost-benefit ratio that assures high quality proteins accessible to the population of the entire world.
The production and trading of eggs represent a primary source of income for many people and is a business activity accessible to everyone.
Eggs also represent a great support for the environment. They’re the source of protein with he lower environmental impact and the most sustainable production.
Facco deeply cares about sustainability, and we’re committed every day to improve even more the environmental sustainability in eggs production. This is an issue we dedicate particular attention to so the egg and poultry production can meet the necessities and rhythms of the environment.
At Facco we celebrate eggs every day in the simplest way: just by eating them! We realized a cooking book that collects many different recipes from every part of the world and they’re all based on eggs. Send an email to to request a copy of our cookbook and discover millions of possibilities to cook and taste eggs.